First and Second-year degree students can opt for Kannada and English languages. The candidates who Opt Hindi and Sanskrit language should get written permission from Office or Principal.

  • H. P. S - History, Political Science, Sociology.
  • H.E.P - History, Economics, Political Science.
  • Compulsory Subjects from University.



1ST SEM 1.1  ಕನ್ನಡ ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿ
1.2  Literary Adventure -I
1.3  History of Ancient India (Early to 1206 A.D)
1.4  Micro Economics Theory
1.5  Principal of Political Science
1.6  Principal of Sociology
1.7  Indian constitution
       2nd SEM  2.1  ಕನ್ನಡ ಲೋಕ
 2.2  Literary Adventure -II
 2.3  History of Medieval India(1206-1757 A.D)
 2.4  Macro Economics Theory
 2.5  Political Thought
 2.6  Structure of Indian Society
 2.7  Environment Science –Elative paper
       3RD SEM  3.1  ಕನ್ನಡ ಡಿಂಡಿಮ
 3.2  Literary Inspirations English Literature 16th 18 Century (optional Paper)
 3.3  History of Modern Indian(1757-1885)
 3.4  Quantitative Techniques for Economics
 3.5  Comparative Government and Polities
 3.6  Classical Western Sociologists
 3.7  General Science and Management
       4TH SEM  4.1  ಕನ್ನಡ ಸುರಭಿ
 4.2  English language (Marchant of Vence)
 4.3  Indian National Movement( 1885-1947)
 4.4  Money Banking and Finance
 4.5  Karnataka Government and politics
 4.6  Indian Social Thinkers
 4.7  Computer Application (compulsory paper)
   5th SEM
  History  5.1  History of Modern Europe (1789-1945)
 5.2  Contemporary Indian History (1947-2000)
  Economics  5.1  Public Finance
 5.2  Indian Economy
  Political Science  5.1  Principles of Public Administration
 5.2  Principles of International Relations
  Sociology  5.1  Social Demography
 5.2  Research Methodology
    Elective  1.  
 2.  Skill Development Paper-I
   6th SEM
  History  6.1  History of Karnataka (Vijayapura to 2000 AD)
 6.2  (History of Contemporary World (1945-2005)
Economics 6.1 International Economic Theory
6.2 Karnataka Economy
Political Science 6.1 Public Administration
6.2 Public Administration
  Sociology  6.1  Gender Studies
 6.2  Social Problems in India Today
  Elective  01.  
 02. Skill Development Paper-II